The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research is to provide guidance in the development and implementation of planning, assessment, and institutional research activities that will lead to improvement in institutional quality and mission attainment.
Total Enrollment | 638 | |
On Campus | 53.0% | 338 |
Online/Self-Paced | 47.0% | 300 |
Total Enrollment | 638 | |
ESL Students | 13.6% | 87 |
Degree-Seeking Students | 86.4% | 551 |
Degree-Seeking Students Breakdown | ||
Undergraduate Students | 67.7% | 432 |
Graduate Students | 18.7% | 119 |
Veterans | 14.6% | 93 |
Female | 64.7% | 413 |
Male | 35.3% | 225 |
Hispanic | 36.2% | 231 |
Black, Non-Hispanic | 11.6% | 74 |
White, Non-Hispanic | 35.6% | 227 |
Other/Mixed | 2.8% | 18 |
Unknown | 13.8% | 88 |
Hispanic | 30.1% | 166 |
Black, Non-Hispanic | 12.0% | 66 |
White, Non-Hispanic | 39.0% | 215 |
Other/Mixed | 3.1% | 17 |
Unknown | 15.8% | 87 |
Average Student Age | 33 | |
Under 24 | 16.8% | 107 |
24-34 | 44.2% | 282 |
35-45 | 26.8% | 171 |
Over 45 | 12.2% | 78 |
Full-Time | 52.5% | 289 |
Part-Time | 47.5% | 262 |
Female | 45.8% | 33 |
Male | 54.2% | 39 |
Full Time | 23.6% | 17 |
Adjunct | 76.4% | 55 |
Bachelor’s | 4.2% | 3 |
Master's | 34.7% | 25 |
Terminal | 61.1% | 44 |
% Courses | % Credit Hours | |
Full-Time | 31.6% | 27.9% |
Adjunct | 68.4% | 72.1% |
% Courses | % Credit Hours | |
Full-Time | 55.4% | 47.9% |
Adjunct | 44.6% | 52.1% |